Aug 17, 2024

Novena to Our Lady of Czestochowa

Day 1 – August 17

O Most Holy Mother of Czestochowa, who has offered the world the victorious Jesus, You are our Mother. Look upon us gathered before Your image and listen to our prayers. Protect us in Your care, that we may live in peace and prosperity. Grant us the grace to be faithful to Your Son, Jesus Christ.

(State your intentions here…)

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be…

Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us!

Day 2 – August 18

O Most Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of Czestochowa, who is full of love and compassion, help us to be aware of the needs of others, especially those who suffer and are oppressed. We pray that through Your intercession, we may be strengthened in our faith and trust in God.

(State your intentions here…)

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be…

Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us!

Day 3 – August 19

O Our Lady of Czestochowa, You are our source of strength and hope. In times of trouble and uncertainty, we turn to You. Teach us to follow the example of Your faith and obedience to God's will. Help us to remain steadfast in our faith, even in the face of adversity.

(State your intentions here…)

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be…

Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us!

Day 4 – August 20

O Blessed Mother of Czestochowa, You are the Queen of Peace. We ask You to bring peace to our hearts, our families, and our world. May Your maternal care guide us to live in harmony with one another and to work tirelessly for justice and peace.

(State your intentions here…)

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be…

Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us!

Day 5 – August 21

O Our Lady of Czestochowa, You are our Mother of Perpetual Help. We turn to You in our need, asking for Your protection and guidance. Lead us to Jesus, Your Son, and help us to live according to His teachings. May we find comfort and solace in Your loving care.

(State your intentions here…)

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be…

Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us!

Day 6 – August 22

O Most Holy Virgin of Czestochowa, You are the Mother of Mercy. We ask You to intercede for us before Your Son, that we may receive His mercy and forgiveness. Help us to be merciful to others, as we seek to imitate Your example of love and compassion.

(State your intentions here…)

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be…

Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us!

Day 7 – August 23

O Our Lady of Czestochowa, You are the Mother of the Church. We pray for the Church, that it may be a beacon of light and truth in the world. Guide and protect the leaders of the Church, that they may lead us in faithfulness to Jesus Christ.

(State your intentions here…)

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be…

Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us!

Day 8 – August 24

O Blessed Virgin Mary of Czestochowa, You are the Mother of Consolation. Comfort us in our sorrows and difficulties. Help us to trust in Your Son's promise that He is with us always, even in our darkest moments. May we find strength and peace in Your loving embrace.

(State your intentions here…)

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be…

Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us!

Day 9 – August 25

O Our Lady of Czestochowa, You are the Queen of Heaven and Earth. We praise You and thank You for Your constant intercession on our behalf. As we conclude this novena, we ask You to continue to watch over us and protect us. Help us to remain faithful to Your Son, Jesus Christ, and to live lives that reflect His love and mercy.

(State your intentions here…)

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be…

Our Lady of Czestochowa, pray for us!


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