⛪ Other Names :
• Valentine of Mais • Valentine of Raetia • Valentine of Ratien • Valentine of Retie • Valentine of Rezia • Valentine of Rhaetia • Valentine of RhΓ©tie • Valentin • Valentinus..
⛪ Memorial :
• 7 January • 4 August (translation of relics)
⛪ Died :
• 7 January 475 at Mais, Tyrol, Austria • Re-interred at Trent, Italy in 739. • Relics transferred to the Cathedral of Saint Stephen in Passau, Germany in 764.
⛪ Patronage :
• Against convulsions • Against cramps • Against epilepsy • Against gout • Against plague • Cattle • Epileptics • Pilgrims • Poor people
Upon return, nothing changed again. Worse, the people made him the object of ridicule and bullying. Then Valentinus put Jesus' word into practice: "If they do not want to accept your word, shake the dust off your feet and go to the next village." So he retired to Tirol. There he was welcomed with open arms. He accomplished much good in service to the Lord.
Toward the end of his life he retired to a hermit cell at MaΓ―s. There he died, surrounded by his monks.
In 764, Duke Tassilo III brought his mortal remains to the St. Stephen's Cathedral in Passau. So he still rests among the people who initially did not want him in their midst.