Dec 2, 2018

β›ͺ Saint Barbara - Virgin and Martyr

β›ͺ Saint of the Day : 04 December

β›ͺ Feast Day :
4 December
formerly 16 December
limited to local calendars in 1969

St. Barbara was brought up a heathen. A tyrannical father, Dioscorus, had kept her jealously secluded in a lonely tower which he had built for the purpose. Here, in her forced solitude, she gave herself to prayer and study, and contrived to receive instruction and Baptism by stealth from a Christian priest. Dioscorus, on discovering his daughter's conversion, was beside himself with rage. He himself denounced her before the civil tribunal. Barbara was horribly tortured, and at last was beheaded, her own father, merciless to the last, acting as her executioner. God, however, speedily punished her persecutors. While her soul was being borne by angels to Paradise, a flash of lightning struck Dioscorus, and he was hurried before the judgment-seat of God.

Reflection β€”Pray often against a sudden and unprovided death ; and, above all, that you may be strengthened by the Holy Viaticum against the dangers of your last hour.

Relics :
Some relics in Burano, Italy
Some relics in the Cathedral of Saint Vladimir, Kiev, Ukraine
Some relics at the Church of Saint Blaise, Vodnjan, Grad Vodnjan, Istarska, Croatia

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