Jun 17, 2024

Incorruptible Devotion: The Remarkable Legacy of Saint Clare of Assisi

Saint Clare of Assisi, renowned for her piety and dedication to serving the poor, left behind a legacy of holiness upon her passing in 1253. Her devout life and selfless deeds earned her widespread admiration and reverence, prompting her followers to honor her memory long after her death. In accordance with the customs of the time, Saint Clare's body was laid to rest in the church of San Giorgio in Assisi, Italy, marking the beginning of her continued spiritual influence.

Years passed, and the fervent devotion to Saint Clare only grew, with pilgrims journeying to her tomb to seek solace and guidance. In 1260, recognizing the enduring reverence for Saint Clare and the desire to further honor her memory, the Franciscan community embarked on the monumental task of exhuming her remains. This process, conducted with solemnity and reverence, aimed to assess the state of Saint Clare's body and potentially relocate her remains to a more prominent location.

Upon opening Saint Clare's tomb, witnesses were met with a remarkable sight: her body, remarkably preserved despite the passage of time. The softness of her skin, the peaceful expression on her face, and the pristine condition of her clothing left observers in awe, testifying to the miraculous nature of her preservation. It was a profound affirmation of Saint Clare's sanctity and divine favor, further solidifying her status as a revered saint within the Catholic Church.

Recognizing the significance of this miraculous preservation, the Franciscan community made the decision to transfer Saint Clare's remains to the newly constructed Basilica of Saint Clare in Assisi. With great care and reverence, her body was relocated to its new resting place, where it would continue to serve as a beacon of spiritual inspiration for generations to come.

The incorrupt body of Saint Clare became a focal point of veneration within the basilica, drawing pilgrims from far and wide to experience the tangible presence of the saint. Her remarkable preservation served as a tangible reminder of her holiness and enduring influence, inspiring countless individuals to emulate her example of faith and selflessness.

Over the centuries, Saint Clare's incorrupt body has remained a powerful symbol of her sanctity, captivating the hearts and minds of believers around the world. Pilgrims continue to visit the Basilica of Saint Clare to pay homage to the revered saint, seeking her intercession in their prayers and finding solace in her enduring presence. Through her incorrupt body, Saint Clare continues to inspire devotion and reverence, serving as a timeless testament to the transformative power of faith and devotion.


Exhumation of Saint Clare of Assisi's Body: Detailed Timeline

  1. 1253: Saint Clare of Assisi passes away.

  2. September 1253: Saint Clare's body is interred in the church of San Giorgio in Assisi, Italy.

  3. 1260: Preparations begin for the exhumation of Saint Clare's tomb, seven years after her death.

  4. September 1260: The tomb is opened under the supervision of ecclesiastical authorities and Franciscan representatives.

  5. Discovery of Incorrupt Body (1260): Witnesses observe Saint Clare's remarkably preserved body. Her skin is soft, her facial features serene, and her clothing intact.

  6. Transfer of Remains (1260): After the exhumation, Saint Clare's remains are carefully placed in a new coffin for relocation.

  7. Canonization Process (1260s): The condition of Saint Clare's body is documented as part of the evidence for her canonization. Witnesses testify to its state as a sign of her sanctity.

  8. Impact on Devotion (1260s): News of Saint Clare's incorrupt body spreads, leading to increased devotion among the faithful.

  9. Continuing Veneration (1260s-present): Saint Clare's incorrupt body remains on display in the Basilica of Saint Clare in Assisi, attracting pilgrims seeking spiritual connection.

This detailed timeline chronicles the key events surrounding the exhumation of Saint Clare of Assisi's body, from the initial preparations to the ongoing veneration of her incorrupt remains.


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