Jun 17, 2024

Saint Charbel Makhlouf: The Incorrupt Body

Charbel Makhlouf, sometimes spelled Sharbel, was born on May 8, 1828, in the village of Biqa-Kafra in the high mountains of Northern Lebanon. Baptized with the name Joseph, he was the youngest of five children born to very poor but devoutly religious parents. From an early age, Charbel displayed a strong attraction to prayer and solitude. At the age of 23, he left home to join the Monastery of St. Maroun at Annaya, where he was received into the novitiate and given the name Charbel, after an early martyr.

After completing theological and secular studies, Charbel was ordained a priest on July 23, 1859, and was assigned to the Monastery of St. Maroun. He spent sixteen years there, living a communal life of prayer and devotion with his fellow brethren. In 1875, he received permission from his superiors to live alone in a private hermitage named Saints Peter and Paul, near the monastery. It was a rugged and simple cabin, where he spent the remaining twenty-three years of his life practicing severe mortifications and sacrifices, such as wearing a hair shirt, sleeping on the hard ground, and eating only one meal a day.

Throughout his life, Charbel was renowned for his remarkable devotion to the Holy Eucharist, preferring to say daily Mass at 11:00 a.m. to allow ample time for preparation and thanksgiving. However, in 1898, while saying Mass, he suffered a seizure and died eight days later on Christmas Eve at the age of seventy. He was buried simply in the monastery cemetery, dressed in the full habit of the Order and placed into the ground without a coffin.

​The Tomb of Saint Sharbel in Annaya, Lebanon. Image by Naanouh Productions

The miraculous preservation of Charbel's body was discovered after a bright light surrounded his tomb for forty-five consecutive nights following his burial. Upon exhumation four months later, his body was found perfectly intact, despite being buried in wet conditions without a coffin. Witnesses observed a mysterious liquid exuding from his pores, described as perspiration mixed with blood, which saturated his clothing. Medical examinations confirmed the inexplicable preservation of his body, with experts declaring it supernaturally sustained.

Charbel's body was transferred to a new coffin and tomb in 1927, where it remained undisturbed for twenty-three years. In 1950, liquid was observed seeping from the tomb, prompting another examination. Once again, his body was found free from corruption, with the mysterious liquid still present. However, by the time of his beatification in 1965, his body had returned to a natural state, with only his bones remaining.

The miraculous preservation of Charbel's body for 67 years continues to inspire devotion and awe among believers, reaffirming his sanctity and the power of faith. Today, his legacy endures, with pilgrims visiting his shrine to seek his intercession and experience the grace of God.


One of Saint Sharbel's Old Coffins in the Monastery of St. Maron in Annaya, Lebanon. 
Image by Naanouh Productions

Exhumation Timeline of Saint Charbel Makhlouf:

1. December 24, 1898: Charbel Makhlouf passes away at the age of seventy, eight days after experiencing a seizure while celebrating Mass on Christmas Eve. His death occurs within the Monastery of St. Maroun at Annaya, Lebanon, where he spent most of his life in prayer and solitude.

2. Four months after his death: Reports of a bright light surrounding Charbel's tomb for forty-five consecutive nights prompt the officials of the Monastery of St. Maroun to seek permission from ecclesiastical authorities for the exhumation of his body.

3. Date of Exhumation: The grave is opened in a solemn ceremony, attended by the superiors of the Order, the monks of the monastery, and numerous villagers.

4. Condition of the Body: Despite being buried in adverse conditions, Charbel's body is miraculously found in pristine condition, floating on mud in a flooded grave without any signs of decomposition.

5. Preparation and Relocation: After being carefully cleansed and clothed in fresh garments, Charbel's body is reverently placed in a wooden coffin and relocated to a corner of the monastery's private chapel for veneration by the monks and the faithful.

6. Discovery of Phenomenon: During the exhumation, an extraordinary phenomenon is discovered: liquid, described as perspiration and blood, exudes from the pores of Charbel's body, saturating his clothing. This liquid is believed to possess healing properties and is collected as relics.

7. Medical Examination: Several physicians, including Dr. Elias Elonaissi and Dr. George Choukrallah, examine the body and attest to its inexplicable preservation. The continuous exudation of the mysterious liquid baffles medical experts.

8. Subsequent Examinations: Over the years, Charbel's body undergoes numerous examinations by medical professionals, each time confirming its miraculous preservation and the ongoing exudation of the liquid.

9. 1927: Two physicians from the French Medical Institute at Beirut conduct a detailed examination of Charbel's body, further contributing to the documentation of the miraculous phenomenon.

10. Transfer and Sealing: Following the examination, Charbel's body is clothed in sacerdotal garments and placed in a new coffin of wood covered with zinc. Various documents are sealed in a zinc tube and placed beside the body.

11. New Tomb: A specially prepared tomb in the wall of an oratory becomes the final resting place for Charbel's body, where it remains undisturbed for twenty-three years.

12. Liquid Seeping: In February 1950, pilgrims observe a liquid seeping from a corner of Charbel's tomb, prompting further examination.

13. Confirmation of Preservation: In April 1950, the coffin is unsealed, and Charbel's body is found completely free of any trace of corruption, with the continuous exudation of the liquid still evident.

14. Beatification: By the time of Charbel's beatification in 1965, his body has returned to a natural state, with only his bones remaining. This marks the conclusion of a remarkable journey of preservation and veneration.

This detailed timeline provides insight into the series of events surrounding the exhumation and preservation of the body of Saint Charbel Makhlouf, highlighting the profound spiritual significance attributed to his miraculous preservation.


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