Jun 17, 2024

Saint Bernadette Soubirous: Death and Incorruptibility

I. Death in 1879

A. Decline in Health 

1. Health Struggles in Early Life: Bernadette Soubirous, from a young age, faced various health challenges, including asthma and severe asthma, which often left her frail and weak. 

2. Onset of Tuberculosis: In her later years, Bernadette contracted tuberculosis, a common and deadly disease at the time. Despite medical treatments, her condition continued to deteriorate.

B. Final Days 

1. Worsening Condition and Confinement to Bed: As her illness progressed, Bernadette became increasingly bedridden, unable to engage in regular activities. Her strength declined rapidly, and she relied on the care of others. 

2. Spiritual Demeanor During Illness: Despite her physical suffering, Bernadette remained spiritually steadfast. She found solace in prayer and maintained a peaceful demeanor, accepting her fate with grace and humility.

C. Circumstances of Passing 

1. Location and Surroundings: Bernadette passed away on April 16, 1879, at the age of 35, in the convent of the Sisters of Charity of Nevers, where she had lived for many years. 

2. Witnesses to Her Final Moments: Several nuns and medical attendants were present at her bedside during her final moments, offering comfort and support. 

3. Emotional Impact on Those Present: Bernadette's death deeply affected those who cared for her, as they had grown to admire her piety, humility, and unwavering faith.

Incorrupt body of Saint Bernadette Soubirous, in Nevers.

II. Discovery of Incorruptibility

A. Exhumation and Examination 

1. Decision to Exhume Bernadette's Body: In 1909, as part of the canonization process, Bernadette's body was exhumed from its resting place in the convent chapel. 

2. Process of Exhumation and Relocation: With great care and reverence, Bernadette's remains were carefully exhumed and relocated to a more suitable resting place within the chapel.

B. Condition of the Body 

1. Initial Observations by Medical Professionals: Upon exhumation, medical professionals were astonished to find Bernadette's body remarkably intact, despite having been buried for decades. 

2. Description of Bernadette's Incorrupt State: Bernadette's body showed minimal signs of decay, with her skin and features remarkably preserved. Witnesses described her as appearing as though she were merely sleeping, with a serene expression on her face.

C. Examination and Preservation Techniques 

1. Medical Examinations and Findings: Physicians and experts conducted thorough examinations of Bernadette's body, seeking to understand the phenomenon of her incorruptibility. Their findings confirmed the miraculous preservation of her remains. 

2. Preservation Methods Employed: Various preservation methods, such as natural embalming and protective measures, were employed to maintain the body's integrity and prevent further decay.

D. Public Reaction and Verification 

1. Responses from Religious Authorities: Religious authorities, including representatives from the Catholic Church, acknowledged Bernadette's incorruptibility as a divine sign of her sanctity and holiness. 

2. Verification of the Incorruptibility: Multiple witnesses, including clergy, medical professionals, and laypeople, attested to the authenticity of Bernadette's incorrupt body, providing further validation of her spiritual significance.

Incorrupt body of Saint Bernadette Soubirous, in Nevers.

III. Significance of Incorruptibility

A. Religious and Spiritual Interpretations 

1. Interpretations Within Catholic Theology: Within Catholic theology, incorruptibility is viewed as a miraculous sign of divine favor and sanctity. Bernadette's incorrupt body is seen as a testament to her holiness and the authenticity of her spiritual experiences. 

2. Significance of Incorruptibility as a Miraculous Phenomenon: The preservation of Bernadette's body defies scientific explanation and is regarded as a miraculous intervention by God, serving as a source of inspiration and faith for believers.

B. Impact on Devotion and Pilgrimage 

1. Influence on Devotion to Saint Bernadette: Bernadette's incorrupt body has inspired devotion and reverence among Catholics worldwide, who see her as a model of faith and humility. 

2. Increased Pilgrimage to Her Shrine in Nevers, France: Pilgrims from around the world visit the Chapel of Saint Bernadette in Nevers, France, where her incorrupt body is enshrined, seeking spiritual solace, healing, and intercession.

C. Scientific and Skeptical Perspectives 

1. Scientific Examinations and Skepticism: Despite the religious significance attributed to Bernadette's incorruptibility, skeptics have sought scientific explanations for the phenomenon, proposing theories such as natural mummification.

The Chapel in Nevers, France, where the incorrupt body of Saint Bernadette Soubirous is venerated, is located within the Sanctuary of Saint Bernadette. This sanctuary is part of the convent of the Sisters of Charity and Christian Instruction in Nevers.

In this chapel, visitors can witness the miraculous preservation of Saint Bernadette's body, which remains intact and visible in a glass coffin. The chapel serves as a place of profound veneration and prayer for pilgrims and visitors alike, who come to seek Saint Bernadette's intercession and to reflect on her life and spiritual legacy.

The chapel itself is adorned with religious artwork and symbols related to Saint Bernadette and the Marian apparitions she experienced in Lourdes. It provides a serene and contemplative space where people can connect with the saint's humility, faith, and devotion to Mary.

Overall, the Chapel in Nevers is a significant destination for Catholics and others interested in the life of Saint Bernadette, offering a tangible connection to her enduring spiritual presence and the miracles associated with her life and death.


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