Aug 31, 2024

4.Sep.2024 - Meditation for the Day

Eternal life comes from knowing God deeply and intimately. This connection flows through our spirit, mind, and body, bringing cleansing, healing, restoration, and renewal. Each day, seek a closer relationship with God, making Him a constant presence in your life. Be aware of His spirit guiding and assisting you. Anything done without this divine presence is temporary, but what is done with God's spirit becomes part of eternal life.

Embracing the Unexpected

Each morning starts fresh and full of potential. We might have our own plans for the day, but our Higher Power has its own ideas that we might not yet understand. Life is full of surprises, and we can expect some frustrations and unexpected help. But what about the surprises we don’t see coming? Will we notice the small chances for kindness or conversation? Could our plans be blocking these moments?

By keeping our plans flexible, we stay open to our Higher Power’s guidance. This way, each day becomes a mix of our efforts and divine direction.

Today, I will stay open to the unexpected and trust in the guidance of God.

Trusting God's Timing

When we feel overwhelmed and anxious about not having enough time, it's helpful to pause and remember that all time belongs to God. We might be trying to do too much, similar to how we once overate. Swapping compulsive eating for compulsive activity doesn't solve our problem.

By surrendering our lives to our Higher Power each day, we allow Him to guide our schedule. He understands our limits and won't burden us beyond what we can handle. To benefit from His guidance, we need to stay connected with our inner selves and not be overwhelmed by outside pressures.

In the past, we might have fluctuated between doing nothing and being overly busy. By avoiding compulsive behaviors, we learn moderation and order as God helps us manage our time.

Today, I ask God to help me use the time He gives me wisely.

Seeing True Beauty

Once, a powerful king promised to help a lost boy find his mother. Since the boy described his mother as the most beautiful woman in the world, the king gathered all the beautiful women from the kingdom. They came with flawless skin, golden hair, and captivating eyes. Yet, none were the boy's mother. Just as they began to lose hope, a humble, old washerwoman knocked on the door. Her appearance was simple, with grey hair and rough hands, but when the boy saw her, he recognized her immediately and rushed into her arms.

The king was astonished.

Today, will I be able to see the real beauty in others, beyond appearances?

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