Aug 31, 2024

5.Sep.2024 - Meditation for the Day

God is your constant healer and source of strength. You don't need to ask Him to come to you because He is always present in spirit. In your moments of need, He is there to assist you. Understanding God's love and His eagerness to help means you don’t need to plead for assistance; your need simply becomes an opportunity for His support. When you feel inadequate, remember this feeling is a form of disloyalty to God. Instead, reassure yourself: “I know that God is with me and will guide me to think, speak, and act correctly.”

Embracing Our Many Sides

We are like multifaceted gemstones, each facet reflecting different aspects of ourselves. These facets include our emotions, strengths, hopes, and desires, as well as our negative traits, self-doubts, and drive for power and knowledge. Our spiritual growth involves understanding and integrating these many sides.

To grow spiritually, we must develop a relationship with our own thoughts and feelings, appreciating and accepting them. Sharing our stories in meetings helps us connect with others and gain self-awareness. Being spontaneous, journaling, meditating, engaging in physical activities, and conversing with others all contribute to a deeper understanding of ourselves.

Today, I will use these methods to communicate with myself, aiming to become more self-accepting and honest.

Living One Day at a Time

Irrational worry about the future might have triggered eating binges before we discovered the OA program. Learning to live one day at a time is crucial for managing our disease. We must control our instinct for security just as we control other instincts.

Trusting our Higher Power today means we can trust Him tomorrow. We may not know what the future holds, but we can be certain of God's ongoing care and support. Worrying about what might happen questions the Power restoring us to sanity. By taking Step Three with no reservations, we let go of debilitating anxieties.

Life won’t always be easy, and the future will bring its own set of challenges. However, we can expect the strength to handle whatever comes our way. Difficult experiences often teach us the most.

May my faith in You replace my fears.

Living One Day at a Time

Irrational worry about the future might have triggered eating binges before we discovered the OA program. Learning to live one day at a time is crucial for managing our disease. We must control our instinct for security just as we control other instincts.

Trusting our Higher Power today means we can trust Him tomorrow. We may not know what the future holds, but we can be certain of God's ongoing care and support. Worrying about what might happen questions the Power restoring us to sanity. By taking Step Three with no reservations, we let go of debilitating anxieties.

Life won’t always be easy, and the future will bring its own set of challenges. However, we can expect the strength to handle whatever comes our way. Difficult experiences often teach us the most.

May my faith in You replace my fears.


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