Feb 14, 2014

πŸ“œ The 6 Precepts of the Church ( The Duties of a Catholic)

The Six Precepts of the Church, also known as the Duties of a Catholic, are guidelines given by the Catholic Church to help the faithful live a life in accordance with its teachings and to maintain a healthy spiritual and moral life. These precepts represent the minimum level of commitment required of Catholics to grow in love of God and neighbour. Here are the Six Precepts of the Church:

  1. Attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation:

    • Description: Catholics are required to participate in the Holy Mass on Sundays and on other days that are considered holy days of obligation.
    • Purpose: To honor God through worship and to receive the Eucharist, which is central to Catholic faith and life.
  2. Confess Your Sins at Least Once a Year:

    • Description: Catholics must go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) at least once a year.
    • Purpose: To obtain forgiveness for sins and reconcile with God and the Church, ensuring spiritual health and growth.
  3. Receive the Eucharist at Least During the Easter Season:

    • Description: Catholics are obligated to receive Holy Communion at least once a year, specifically during the Easter season.
    • Purpose: To participate fully in the Paschal mystery of Christ's death and resurrection, which is celebrated during Easter.
  4. Observe the Days of Fasting and Abstinence Established by the Church:

    • Description: Catholics must observe the prescribed days of fasting (such as Ash Wednesday and Good Friday) and abstinence from meat (such as all Fridays during Lent).
    • Purpose: To practice penance, self-discipline, and solidarity with the suffering of Christ and the poor.
  5. Help to Provide for the Needs of the Church:

    • Description: Catholics are required to contribute to the Church according to their ability. This includes financial support, as well as offering time and talents.
    • Purpose: To ensure the Church has the resources needed to carry out its mission and activities, including worship, pastoral care, and charitable works.
  6. Observe the Laws of the Church Concerning Marriage:

    • Description: Catholics must follow the Church's teachings and laws regarding marriage, which include requirements for a valid Catholic marriage and prohibitions against practices such as divorce and remarriage without an annulment.
    • Purpose: To uphold the sanctity and sacramentality of marriage, ensuring it reflects the faithful and indissoluble union of Christ and the Church.


The Precepts of the Church are designed to ensure that Catholics are living in a way that fosters spiritual growth and community life. They help guide the faithful in fulfilling their duties towards God, the Church, and their neighbors, providing a foundation for a disciplined and holy life. These precepts are considered the bare minimum for practicing Catholics, encouraging them to grow further in their faith and commitment.


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