May 21, 2016

⛪ Blessed Manuel Gómez González - Martyrs

 Blessed Manuel González,
Intercede for us !
⛪ Saint of the Day : May 21

 Born :
• 29 May 1877 in San José de Ribarteme,  Pontevedra, Spain

 Died :
• 21 May 1924 in Feijão Miúdo, Três Passos,  Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

In 1924, due to the vacancy of the Parish of Palm of the Missions, the Bishop of Santa Maria, determined to Fr. Manuel to attend the Christians of the hinterland of Upper Uruguay. There he went with the mission to baptize, to celebrate marriages and first communions, and to catechize the people of that vast region, but knowing the danger he had to face. In another letter he expresses his anguish: "Due to my state of health, the abnormality of this municipality and having no guarantees of life, because this whole area from Nonohay to Palmeira in the hands of the revolutionaries ... and fearing to be attacked on the road ... or stand on your feet, I beseech Your Most Reverend Excellency, humbly dispense myself from this office at least for the duration of this abnormal state ... "(Letter to the Bishop of Santa Maria, dated August 8, 1923). Encouraged by faith he went to the mission.

He was on his way to this mission and a persecution by settler communities near Três Passos, distant 250km from Nonoai, his parish, which Father Manuel and his altar boy Adílio fell into an ambush armed by provisional soldiers. They were tied up, mistreated ... It all ended with two shots on the priest and three shots on the 15 year old boy. It was May 21, 1924. They were buried in the same graveyard they would bless.

Manuel, a man of faith, with kindness and patience, knew how to exercise his pastoral work. He reactivated the apostolate, carried out a fruitful work with the children, opening a free school. With a humanitarian spirit he worked for the good of the city and its people: he built a pottery, hotel and, with the help of the community, built houses for the Nonoai homeless. Of innovative concern, he introduced the cultivation of new products with the farmers of his region. A tireless propagator of peace echoed his voice: "I pray to God that what is happening in our State will cease as soon as possible and there will be peace for both parties." (Letter to the Bishop of Santa Maria, D. Attico Eusebio da Rocha, dated July 18, 1923).

Adilius, a lay witness, let himself be seduced by the Lord and placed himself at the service of his redemptive altar. An innocent victim of a time of violence showed his courage and his faith. An example of zealous care for the things of God. In it our adolescents and young people should seek inspiration for their ideals.

And finally, we could say that "they destroyed the bodies, but the living sap of the testimony continues to run in the people they met who believe in the project of the two 'martyrs." 
They are testimonies thus attracting thousands of devout pilgrims and pilgrims every year to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Light and of the Servants of God Fr. Manuel and Coroinha Adílio, especially on the occasion of the Pilgrimage on the third Sunday of May.

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