βͺ Saint of the Day : 22 December
Saint Flavian, the father of two holy daughters, Bibiana and Demetria, and the husband of Saint Dafrosa, was a descendant of a noble Roman family. His incomparable talents, great knowledge and holy life, made him so beloved and esteemed, not only by the people but also by Constantine the Great, that the latter raised him to the high office of Governor of Rome. The duties of this exalted dignity he fulfilled untiringly, but, at the same time, neglected nothing that his faith demanded of him; on the contrary, his principal thought was to disseminate more and more the Christian religion among his subjects. Those who had already embraced Christianity he endeavored to assist whenever an opportunity presented itself. After the death of Constantine the Great, his son Constantius, persuaded by his wicked empress, favored the Arian heresy, and persecuted the Catholics almost as much as had formerly been done by the heathen emperors.
Flavian endeavored to strengthen the Catholics in their faith, and to defend the divinity of Jesus Christ against the Arian blasphemies. This zeal made him hateful to the emperor; and as neither promises nor menaces had any power to change him, he was divested of the high office which he had filled for so many years to the satisfaction of all Rome. Flavian was not cast down, but rather rejoiced because, for the sake of the true faith, he suffered so great a loss and no less ignominy. Julian, the apostate, who succeeded Constantius, persecuted the Christians most cruelly, as he was resolved to exterminate Christianity entirely. Flavian took this opportunity again to manifest his fearless zeal for the defense of the true faith. He encouraged the Christians to constancy, visited them in their imprisonment, comforted them, sent them nourishment, and admonished them rather to suffer everything than forsake their faith. The officers whom Julian had appointed to apprehend and torture the Christians, took no notice of this for some time, as Flavian was still greatly esteemed on account of his high rank and the dignity of the office with which he had been invested; but at last they informed the tyrant of it.
The latter commanded his new governor, Apronian, to apprehend Flavian immediately, and either force him to abandon his faith, or to take his life by the most cruel tortures. Apronian obeyed the order: Flavian was seized and brought before him. The governor endeavored to persuade him to forsake his faith, but Flavian said fearlessly: βI am a Christian, and will remain a Christian, and, further, I consider it the greatest honor to give not only all I possess, but also my life for the honor of Christ.β The governor, greatly embittered, sentenced him to be dispossessed of his nobility, and placed in the rank of the most abject slaves, which, to a high-minded man, must have been more cruel than death. Hence, they tore the insignia of his nobility and of his former high office from his body, and, with a red-hot iron, burned a mark on his forehead. The pain was great, the ignominy and disgrace much greater; but Flavian bore it cheerfully. βI receive,β said he, βthis disgrace as the greatest honor that was ever bestowed upon me.β Apronian would have tortured him still more, but as he knew that Flavian was highly esteemed on account of the faithfulness with which he had labored for the public weal, he desisted, fearing a revolt. He deprived him, therefore, of all his possessions, and sent him into banishment, giving orders to those who were to transport him to torment him on the road in every possible manner, in order that misery and grief might soon kill him. Flavian received the sentence of his banishment with the same joy that he had manifested at the preceding ignominy.
The hardest thing for him to bear was to leave his spouse and his two daughters, as he foresaw that they would not be treated better than he had been. But this, also, he bore heroically, and placing them under the protection of the Most High, he went into his banishment, guarded by a troop of soldiers, who delighted in obeying the orders of Apronian. and maltreating him most cruelly. Not much better was the treatment which he received at the place to which he was exiled, where he soon ended his life. His only comfort was prayer, which so greatly supported him that, notwithstanding the hardships he endured, he was never seen sad, but always cheerful. It was also in prayer that he closed his holy life; for, one day, when conversing with God, his head sank quietly upon his breast, and his heroic soul became free. He was, indeed, worthy to be placed among the greatest martyrs of the holy Church; as what he had suffered for his faith will appear to many much harder to endure than the bodily martyrdom of other Saints.
Flavian endeavored to strengthen the Catholics in their faith, and to defend the divinity of Jesus Christ against the Arian blasphemies. This zeal made him hateful to the emperor; and as neither promises nor menaces had any power to change him, he was divested of the high office which he had filled for so many years to the satisfaction of all Rome. Flavian was not cast down, but rather rejoiced because, for the sake of the true faith, he suffered so great a loss and no less ignominy. Julian, the apostate, who succeeded Constantius, persecuted the Christians most cruelly, as he was resolved to exterminate Christianity entirely. Flavian took this opportunity again to manifest his fearless zeal for the defense of the true faith. He encouraged the Christians to constancy, visited them in their imprisonment, comforted them, sent them nourishment, and admonished them rather to suffer everything than forsake their faith. The officers whom Julian had appointed to apprehend and torture the Christians, took no notice of this for some time, as Flavian was still greatly esteemed on account of his high rank and the dignity of the office with which he had been invested; but at last they informed the tyrant of it.
The latter commanded his new governor, Apronian, to apprehend Flavian immediately, and either force him to abandon his faith, or to take his life by the most cruel tortures. Apronian obeyed the order: Flavian was seized and brought before him. The governor endeavored to persuade him to forsake his faith, but Flavian said fearlessly: βI am a Christian, and will remain a Christian, and, further, I consider it the greatest honor to give not only all I possess, but also my life for the honor of Christ.β The governor, greatly embittered, sentenced him to be dispossessed of his nobility, and placed in the rank of the most abject slaves, which, to a high-minded man, must have been more cruel than death. Hence, they tore the insignia of his nobility and of his former high office from his body, and, with a red-hot iron, burned a mark on his forehead. The pain was great, the ignominy and disgrace much greater; but Flavian bore it cheerfully. βI receive,β said he, βthis disgrace as the greatest honor that was ever bestowed upon me.β Apronian would have tortured him still more, but as he knew that Flavian was highly esteemed on account of the faithfulness with which he had labored for the public weal, he desisted, fearing a revolt. He deprived him, therefore, of all his possessions, and sent him into banishment, giving orders to those who were to transport him to torment him on the road in every possible manner, in order that misery and grief might soon kill him. Flavian received the sentence of his banishment with the same joy that he had manifested at the preceding ignominy.
The hardest thing for him to bear was to leave his spouse and his two daughters, as he foresaw that they would not be treated better than he had been. But this, also, he bore heroically, and placing them under the protection of the Most High, he went into his banishment, guarded by a troop of soldiers, who delighted in obeying the orders of Apronian. and maltreating him most cruelly. Not much better was the treatment which he received at the place to which he was exiled, where he soon ended his life. His only comfort was prayer, which so greatly supported him that, notwithstanding the hardships he endured, he was never seen sad, but always cheerful. It was also in prayer that he closed his holy life; for, one day, when conversing with God, his head sank quietly upon his breast, and his heroic soul became free. He was, indeed, worthy to be placed among the greatest martyrs of the holy Church; as what he had suffered for his faith will appear to many much harder to endure than the bodily martyrdom of other Saints.
π Practical Considerations
It could not have been otherwise than very painful to Saint Flavian to leave his beloved spouse and children; yet he was firm in confessing the true faith and willingly accepted all that he had to suffer on account of it. He showed himself strong-hearted and submissive to divine Providence; he gave his beloved into the care of the Lord and confidently commended them to His protection. It is not seldom that persons are found to whom it comes very hard to die, and who revolt against the divine decree, because they have to leave a spouse or young children. But what can they do against the will of God? Can they forcibly oppose the Lord, the Almighty? Would it not be much more sensible to submit, though with a grieved heart, to His will, to commend spouse and children to His protection and prepare them- selves carefully for their end?
God knows the circumstances in which they are; if, therefore, He sees fit to call you, He will take upon Himself the care of those you leave behind. Why then should you grieve so immoderately? Cannot the Most High take better care of your family than yourself? Christ, our Lord, when dying, gave His mother to His disciple, John, although He could have taken her with Him to the other world. It is not written that He therefore manifested great sadness and care. By this He gave us all an example, to teach us how we should act when separated by death from parents, children or others dear to us. Hence, if you should be in similar circumstances, follow the advice which Saint Antony, the Hermit, received from heaven: βThink of yourself, and leave to God the care of others.β
God knows the circumstances in which they are; if, therefore, He sees fit to call you, He will take upon Himself the care of those you leave behind. Why then should you grieve so immoderately? Cannot the Most High take better care of your family than yourself? Christ, our Lord, when dying, gave His mother to His disciple, John, although He could have taken her with Him to the other world. It is not written that He therefore manifested great sadness and care. By this He gave us all an example, to teach us how we should act when separated by death from parents, children or others dear to us. Hence, if you should be in similar circumstances, follow the advice which Saint Antony, the Hermit, received from heaven: βThink of yourself, and leave to God the care of others.β
More Info:
π Our Sunday Visitorβs Encyclopedia of Saints π Catholic Online π Santi e Beati, by Fabio Arduino π WikipediaRelated Post
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