Dec 1, 2018

β›ͺ Saint Eligius of Noyon

β›ͺ Saint of the Day : 01 December

β›ͺ Feast Day :
1 December
24 June (translation of relics, and blessing of horses)
8 November as one of the Saints of the Diocese of Evry

Eligius, a goldsmith at Paris, was commissioned by King Clotaire to make a throne. With the gold and precious stones given him he made two. Struck by his rare honesty, the king gave him an appointment at court, and demanded an oath of fidelity sworn upon holy relics; but Eligius prayed with tears to be excused, for fear of failing in reverence to the relics of the Saints. On entering the court, he fortified himself against its seductions by many austerities and continual ejaculatory prayers. He had a marvellous zeal for the redemption of captives, and for their deliverance would sell his jewels, his food, his clothes, and his vety shoes, once by his prayers breaking their chains and opening their prisons. His great delight was in making rich shrines for relics. His striking virtue caused him, a layman and a goldsmith, to be made Bishop of Noyon; and his sanctity in this holy office was remarkable. He possessed the gifts of miracles and prophecy, and died in 665.

β›ͺ Reflection – When God called His Saints to himself, He might, had He so pleased, have taken their bodies also; but he willed to leave them in our charge, for our help and consolation. Be careful to imitate Saint Eligius in making a good use of so great a treasure.

β›ͺ Patronage :
against boils, against epidemics, against equine diseases, against poverty, against ulcers, agricultural workers, basket makers, blacksmiths, boilermakers, cab drivers, cabmen
carpenters, carriage makers, cart makers, carters, cartwrights, clock makers, coachmen, coachwrights, computer scientists, craftsmen, cutlers, cutlery makers, electricians, engravers, farm workers, farmers, farriers, garage workers, gas station, workers, gilders, gold workers, goldsmiths, guards, gunsmiths, harness makers, horse traders, horseshoe makers, jewelers, jockeys, knife makers, laborers lamp makers, locksmiths, mechanics, metal workers, metalsmiths, miners, minters ,minting, numismatics, saddle makers, saddlers, scissors grinders, security guards servants, silversmiths, taxi drivers, tinsmiths, tool makers, veterinarians, watch makers, wheelwrights, coin collectors, garages, gas stations, horses, livestock, metal collectors, numismatists, peasants, petrol stations, precious metal collectors, sick horses

Source : Pictorial Lives of the Saints

β›ͺ More Info : Saint Eligius

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