Mar 21, 2025

Saints of Martyrdom and Service

St. Ignatius Loyola – Prayer of Surrender ("Take, Lord, and Receive")
Source: Suscipe, from Spiritual Exercises, approved
Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and my entire will, all I have and possess. Thou hast given all to me; to Thee, O Lord, I return it. All is Thine; dispose of it wholly according to Thy will. Give me Thy love and grace, for this is sufficient for me. O Saint Ignatius, pray that with humble faith and penance we may surrender fully, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. John Berchmans – Prayer for Purity of Heart
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, November 26, adapted
O God, who adorned Saint John Berchmans with a pure heart, we seek his intercession for holiness. As he served Thee with humble joy, grant us grace to guard our souls, offering our lives with penance. May his innocence guide us to seek Thee alone, trusting Thy mercy, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Isaac Jogues – Prayer for Missionaries Facing Persecution
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, October 19, adapted
O God, who strengthened Saint Isaac Jogues to preach amid torment, we beseech his prayers for missionaries. As he endured with penitent love, grant them courage to face persecution, proclaiming Thee in humility. May his martyrdom inspire them to trust Thy grace, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. RenΓ© Goupil – Prayer for Medical Missionaries
O Lord, who called Saint RenΓ© Goupil to heal and die for Thee, we seek his intercession for medical missionaries. As he served with humble charity, grant them skill to mend the afflicted, offering their toil with penance. May his sacrifice guide them, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Kateri Tekakwitha – Prayer for Indigenous Peoples
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, July 14
O God, who blessed Saint Kateri Tekakwitha with love for Thy cross, we implore her prayers for indigenous peoples. As she lived with humble faith, grant them grace to know Thee, seeking Thy truth with penance. May her purity inspire us, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Charles Lwanga and Companions – Prayer for African Martyrs
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, June 3
O God, who crowned Saint Charles Lwanga and his companions with martyrdom, we seek their intercession for Africa’s witnesses. As they died with penitent zeal, grant them strength to shine for Thee, trusting Thy promise in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Paul Miki and Companions – Prayer for Asian Missionaries
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, February 6
O God, who glorified Saint Paul Miki and his companions in Japan, we beseech their prayers for Asian missionaries. As they preached from the cross with humble love, grant them grace to spread Thy word, enduring all with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Andrew Kim Taegon – Prayer for Korean Christians
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, September 20
O God, who strengthened Saint Andrew Kim Taegon to die for Thee, we seek his prayers for Korean Christians. As he bore witness with humble faith, grant them courage to live Thy truth, offering their lives with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. JosΓ© SΓ‘nchez del RΓ­o – Prayer for Courage in Youth
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, February 10
O God, who granted Saint JosΓ© SΓ‘nchez del RΓ­o steadfastness unto death, we implore his prayers for youth. As he cried β€œViva Cristo Rey” with humble courage, grant them valor to stand for Thee, trusting Thy grace with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns forever. Amen.

St. Maria Goretti – Prayer for Forgiveness and Purity
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, July 6
O God, who gave Saint Maria Goretti grace to forgive, we seek her intercession for purity. As she died with humble love, grant us strength to pardon and guard our souls, seeking Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Agnes of Assisi – Prayer for Poverty and Obedience
O Lord, who led Saint Agnes of Assisi to poverty’s embrace, we seek her prayers for obedience. As she followed Clare with humble heart, grant us grace to shun wealth, serving Thee with penance. May her life guide us, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Stephen, the Protomartyr – Prayer for Forgiveness of Enemies
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, December 26
O God, who gave Saint Stephen grace to forgive his foes, we beseech his prayers for mercy. As he died with humble charity, grant us strength to pardon, offering our pain with penance. May his vision guide us, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Polycarp of Smyrna – Prayer for Martyrdom Grace
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, February 23
O God, who gave Saint Polycarp constancy unto death, we implore his intercession for martyrdom’s grace. As he praised Thee with humble heart, grant us courage to offer our lives, trusting Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Felicity of Rome – Prayer for Endurance in Suffering
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, March 7, adapted
O God, who strengthened Saint Felicity to endure suffering, we seek her prayers for fortitude. As she faced death with penitent love, grant us grace to bear our trials, seeking Thee in humility. May her motherhood inspire us, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Ignatius of Antioch – Prayer for Trust in God’s Will
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, October 17
O God, who adorned Saint Ignatius of Antioch with steadfast faith, we seek his intercession to trust Thy will. As he longed for Thee with penitent zeal, grant us peace to accept Thy plan, offering all in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever. Amen.

St. Margaret Clitherow – Prayer for Religious Freedom
O Lord, who crowned Saint Margaret Clitherow for Thy Church, we seek her prayers for freedom. As she died with humble faith, grant us boldness to worship Thee, bearing trials with penance. May her witness guide us, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Edmund Campion – Prayer for Converts
O God, who called Saint Edmund Campion to win souls, we beseech his prayers for converts. As he preached with penitent zeal, grant them grace to turn to Thee, seeking truth in humility. May his martyrdom inspire us, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever. Amen.

St. Thomas More – Prayer for Integrity in Leadership
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, June 22
O God, who gave Saint Thomas More wisdom to lead, we seek his intercession for integrity. As he stood firm with humble faith, grant leaders grace to serve justly, offering their roles with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. John Fisher – Prayer for Courageous Bishops
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, June 22
O God, who raised Saint John Fisher to defend Thy Church, we seek his prayers for bishops. As he bore witness with penitent love, grant them courage to guide us, trusting Thee in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Margaret Pole – Prayer for Perseverance
O Lord, who crowned Saint Margaret Pole with steadfast faith, we seek her intercession for perseverance. As she endured with humble heart, grant us strength to hold fast, offering our trials with penance. May her resolve guide us, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Henry Walpole – Prayer for Strength in Trials
O God, who strengthened Saint Henry Walpole to face torment, we beseech his prayers for trials. As he stood with penitent love, grant us fortitude to endure, seeking Thee in humility. May his witness inspire us, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever. Amen.

St. Cuthbert Mayne – Prayer for Fidelity to the Faith
O Lord, who called Saint Cuthbert Mayne to die for Thy truth, we seek his intercession for fidelity. As he served with humble zeal, grant us grace to cling to faith, offering our lives with penance. May his courage guide us, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Philip Howard – Prayer for Repentance and Conversion
O God, who turned Saint Philip Howard to Thy mercy, we implore his prayers for repentance. As he sought Thee with penitent heart, grant us grace to convert, trusting Thy love in humility. May his change inspire us, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever. Amen.

St. Maximilian Kolbe – Prayer for Sacrificial Love
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, August 14
O God, who filled Saint Maximilian Kolbe with love for others, we seek his intercession for sacrifice. As he gave his life with humble charity, grant us grace to love as he did, offering all with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) – Prayer for Understanding
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, August 9
O God, who led Saint Teresa Benedicta to Thy truth, we beseech her prayers for understanding. As she sought Thee with humble mind, grant us light to know Thy will, pondering it with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Oscar Romero – Prayer for Justice in the Church
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, March 24 (local use, adapted)
O God, who called Saint Oscar Romero to seek justice, we implore his prayers for Thy Church. As he spoke with penitent charity, grant us zeal to uphold right, serving Thee in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Pierre Toussaint – Prayer for Charity
O Lord, who blessed Saint Pierre Toussaint with generous love, we seek his intercession for charity. As he served with humble heart, grant us grace to aid the needy, offering our gifts with penance. May his kindness guide us, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns forever. Amen.

St. Martin of Tours – Prayer for Generosity
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, November 11
O God, who glorified Saint Martin of Tours with a giving spirit, we seek his prayers for generosity. As he shared with humble charity, grant us grace to offer our goods, serving Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Vincent de Paul – Prayer for Service to the Poor
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, September 27
O God, who endowed Saint Vincent de Paul with zeal for the poor, we beseech his prayers for service. As he aided with humble love, grant us grace to lift the lowly, offering our lives with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Louise de Marillac – Prayer for Social Workers
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, March 15
O God, who inspired Saint Louise de Marillac to serve the afflicted, we seek her intercession for social workers. As she cared with penitent charity, grant them strength to help, trusting Thee in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Alphonsus Liguori – Prayer for Perseverance in Grace
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, August 1
O God, who raised Saint Alphonsus Liguori to teach Thy grace, we implore his prayers for perseverance. As he guided with humble zeal, grant us strength to abide in Thee, seeking Thy will with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Dominic Savio – Prayer for Youthful Holiness
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, March 9
O God, who called Saint Dominic Savio to youthful sanctity, we seek his intercession for holiness. As he lived with humble faith, grant our young grace to follow Thee, offering their days with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Gemma Galgani – Prayer for Suffering Souls
O Lord, who united Saint Gemma Galgani with Thy cross, we seek her prayers for suffering souls. As she bore pain with penitent love, grant them relief through her pleas, trusting Thee in humility. May her passion guide us, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns forever. Amen.

St. Benedict Joseph Labre – Prayer for the Homeless
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, April 16
O God, who led Saint Benedict Joseph Labre to poverty’s path, we beseech his prayers for the homeless. As he wandered with humble heart, grant them shelter through our charity, offering aid with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Mary MacKillop – Prayer for Educators
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, August 8
O God, who blessed Saint Mary MacKillop with love for learning, we seek her intercession for educators. As she taught with humble zeal, grant them grace to form souls, serving Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Prayer for Mothers and Teachers
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, January 4
O God, who crowned Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton with maternal care, we implore her prayers for mothers and teachers. As she nurtured with humble charity, grant them strength to guide, offering their work with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Jean-Baptiste de La Salle – Prayer for Christian Schools
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, April 7
O God, who raised Saint Jean-Baptiste de La Salle to teach Thy youth, we seek his prayers for Christian schools. As he served with humble zeal, grant them grace to form in faith, trusting Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever. Amen.

St. John Bosco – Prayer for Youth Development
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, January 31
O God, who sent Saint John Bosco to guide the young, we beseech his prayers for their growth. As he led with humble charity, grant us grace to nurture them, offering our care with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. John Neumann – Prayer for Catholic Schools
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, January 5
O God, who blessed Saint John Neumann with zeal for education, we seek his intercession for Catholic schools. As he built with humble faith, grant them strength to teach Thy truth, serving with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Scholastica – Prayer for Benedictine Nuns
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, February 10
O God, who called Saint Scholastica to love Thee in prayer, we implore her intercession for Benedictine nuns. As she sought Thee with humble heart, grant them grace to serve, offering their lives with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Clare of Montefalco – Prayer for the Cross of Christ
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, August 17
O God, who imprinted Thy cross on Saint Clare of Montefalco’s heart, we seek her prayers to love Thy passion. As she bore it with humble faith, grant us grace to embrace our cross, trusting Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Gonsalo Garcia – Prayer for Indian Christians
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, February 6 (Companions), adapted
O Lord, who crowned Saint Gonsalo Garcia with martyrdom, we seek his prayers for Indian Christians. As he died with penitent love, grant them strength to shine for Thee, seeking Thy truth in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Pedro Calungsod – Prayer for Missionaries in the Philippines
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, October 2
O God, who called Saint Pedro Calungsod to preach in the Philippines, we beseech his prayers for missionaries. As he served with humble zeal, grant them grace to spread Thy word, offering their lives with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Lorenzo Ruiz – Prayer for Courageous Witnesses
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, September 28
O God, who gave Saint Lorenzo Ruiz courage to die for Thee, we seek his intercession for witnesses. As he bore testimony with humble faith, grant us strength to stand firm, trusting Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Andrew the Apostle – Prayer for Missionary Zeal
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, November 30
O God, who called Saint Andrew to proclaim Thy Son, we seek his intercession for missionary zeal. As he brought souls with humble love, grant us fervor to evangelize, offering our efforts with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Simon the Zealot – Prayer for Faithful Apostles
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, October 28
O God, who sent Saint Simon the Zealot to preach Thy name, we beseech his prayers for apostles. As he served with humble fire, grant them fidelity to Thy call, enduring all with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Jude Thaddeus – Prayer for Hopeless Causes
Source: Traditional prayer from Raccolta, adapted
O Saint Jude, Apostle of hope, we seek thy intercession for hopeless causes. As thou didst preach with humble love, obtain for us grace in despair, that we may trust Christ with penance. Thou art the patron of the lost; lead us to His mercy, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns forever. Amen.

St. Bartholomew – Prayer for Honesty
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, August 24
O God, who called Saint Bartholomew to know Thy truth, we implore his prayers for honesty. As he saw Thy Son with humble heart, grant us grace to live sincerely, offering our words with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Matthew – Prayer for Financial Integrity
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, September 21
O God, who called Saint Matthew from wealth to Thy service, we seek his intercession for integrity. As he followed with humble faith, grant us grace to steward justly, offering our gains with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Luke the Evangelist – Prayer for Physicians
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, October 18
O God, who chose Saint Luke to proclaim Thy healing, we seek his intercession for physicians. As he wrote with humble charity, grant them grace to mend the sick, serving Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

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