Mar 21, 2025

Modern Saints and Special Intercessions


St. Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross) – Prayer for Martyrdom
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, August 9
O God, who led Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross to martyrdom in imitation of Thy Son, grant us, through her intercession, courage to offer our lives for Thee. As she bore witness with humble faith amid persecution, may we embrace our cross with penance, trusting Thy eternal reward. Let her sacrifice inspire us to stand firm, that we may share in Thy glory, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.

St. Luigi Orione – Prayer for the Poor and Abandoned
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, March 12
O God, who inspired Saint Luigi Orione to serve the poor and abandoned, we beseech his intercession to aid those in need. Grant us charity to lift the forsaken, as he did with penitent love, that we may honor Thee in them with humility. May his zeal teach us to trust Thy providence, offering our lives for Thy little ones, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. JosΓ© SΓ‘nchez del RΓ­o – Prayer for Faithfulness in Youth
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, February 10
O God, who granted Saint JosΓ© SΓ‘nchez del RΓ­o steadfastness unto death, we seek his prayers for youth. As he cried β€œViva Cristo Rey” with humble courage, grant them faith to follow Thee in tender years, strengthened by penance. May his witness inspire them to resist evil, trusting Thy grace, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Gianna Beretta Molla – Prayer for Mothers
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, April 28
O God, who adorned Saint Gianna Beretta Molla with a mother’s love, we implore her intercession for mothers. Grant them charity to nurture their children, as she offered her life with humble faith, that they may sanctify their homes with penance. May her sacrifice guide them to trust Thy will, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. AndrΓ© Bessette – Prayer for the Sick
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, January 6 (local use, adapted)
O God, who worked miracles through Saint AndrΓ© Bessette’s prayers, we seek his intercession for the sick. As he served with humble charity at Thy door, grant them healing through his pleas, that we may offer our pain with penance. May his trust inspire us to seek Thy mercy, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever. Amen.

St. Conrad of Parzham – Prayer for Hospitality
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, April 21
O God, who filled Saint Conrad of Parzham with love for Thy guests, we beseech his prayers for hospitality. Grant us charity to welcome all, as he did with penitent heart, that we may serve Thee in them with humility. May his kindness teach us to open our doors, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Zita of Lucca – Prayer for Workers
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, April 27
O God, who called Saint Zita to sanctify humble labor, we seek her intercession for workers. Grant them diligence to toil for Thee, as she served with charity and penance, that their work may honor Thy name in humility. May her fidelity guide them to trust Thy reward, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever. Amen.

St. Isidore the Farmer – Prayer for Agricultural Workers
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, May 15
O God, who blessed Saint Isidore the Farmer with love for Thy earth, we implore his prayers for agricultural workers. Grant them strength to sow with charity, as he did with humble faith, that their labor may yield fruit for Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. John Fisher – Prayer for Bishops
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, June 22
O God, who raised Saint John Fisher to defend Thy Church, we seek his intercession for bishops. Grant them courage to shepherd with charity, as he bore witness with penitent love, that they may guide us in humility to Thy truth, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Thomas Becket – Prayer for Religious Freedom
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, December 29
O God, who gave Saint Thomas Becket strength to die for Thy Church, we beseech his prayers for religious freedom. Grant us boldness to worship Thee, as he stood with humble faith, that we may serve Thee with penance unhindered, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Margaret Pole – Prayer for Courage in Martyrdom
O Lord, who crowned Saint Margaret Pole with a martyr’s grace, we seek her intercession for courage. As she faced death with penitent love, grant us fortitude to bear our cross in humility, trusting Thy eternal promise. May her witness inspire us to offer all for Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns forever. Amen.

St. Jeanne Jugan – Prayer for the Elderly
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, August 30
O God, who inspired Saint Jeanne Jugan to care for the aged, we implore her prayers for the elderly. Grant them peace in their twilight, as she served with humble charity, that we may honor them with penance. May her love guide us to cherish their years, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Marianne Cope – Prayer for Leprosy Patients
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, January 23
O God, who called Saint Marianne Cope to tend the afflicted, we seek her intercession for leprosy patients. Grant them comfort through her prayers, as she served with penitent love, that we may aid them in humility. May her care inspire us to trust Thy healing, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever. Amen.

St. Damien of Molokai – Prayer for Outcasts
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, May 10
O God, who sent Saint Damien of Molokai to the forsaken, we beseech his prayers for outcasts. Grant us charity to embrace the shunned, as he did with humble sacrifice, that we may serve Thee in them with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Elizabeth of Hungary – Prayer for Charity
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, November 17
O God, who taught Saint Elizabeth of Hungary to care for the poor, we seek her intercession for charity. Grant us love to share Thy gifts, as she did with penitent heart, that we may honor Thee in the needy with humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Frances of Rome – Prayer for Housewives
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, March 9
O God, who blessed Saint Frances of Rome with domestic holiness, we implore her prayers for housewives. Grant them grace to sanctify their homes, as she served with humble charity, that their tasks may glorify Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Rita of Cascia – Prayer for Impossible Cases
Source: Traditional prayer from Raccolta, adapted
O holy Saint Rita, advocate of the impossible, we seek thy intercession before God’s throne. As thou didst bear trials with penitent love, grant us hope in desperate need, that we may trust Thee with humble faith. May thy prayers obtain miracles for us, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who reigns forever. Amen.

St. Eusebius of Vercelli – Prayer for Perseverance
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, August 2
O God, who strengthened Saint Eusebius of Vercelli to uphold Thy truth, we seek his intercession for perseverance. Grant us steadfastness in trials, as he endured with humble faith, that we may serve Thee with penance to the end, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions – Prayer for Chinese Catholics
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, July 9
O God, who glorified Saint Augustine Zhao Rong and his companions with martyrdom, we beseech their prayers for Chinese Catholics. Grant them strength to shine in faith, as they died with penitent love, that they may trust Thee in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Lorenzo Ruiz – Prayer for Filipino Catholics
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, September 28
O God, who gave Saint Lorenzo Ruiz courage to die for Thee, we seek his intercession for Filipino Catholics. Grant them zeal to live their faith, as he bore witness with humble heart, that they may serve Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. John Macias – Prayer for the Poor
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, September 18
O God, who inspired Saint John Macias to feed the hungry, we implore his prayers for the poor. Grant us charity to share our bread, as he served with penitent love, that we may honor Thee in them with humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne – Prayer for Native Americans
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, November 18
O God, who sent Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne to Native souls, we seek her intercession for them. Grant us love to share Thy truth, as she labored with humble charity, that they may know Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Peter Julian Eymard – Prayer for Eucharistic Devotion
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, August 2
O God, who adorned Saint Peter Julian Eymard with love for Thy Eucharist, we beseech his intercession to adore Thee. Grant us faith to seek Thy presence, as he did with penitent heart, that we may worship in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Andrew Kim Taegon – Prayer for Korean Catholics
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, September 20
O God, who strengthened Saint Andrew Kim Taegon to die for Thy name, we seek his prayers for Korean Catholics. Grant them courage to live in faith, as he bore witness with humble love, that they may serve Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Oscar Romero – Prayer for Justice
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, March 24
O God, who called Saint Oscar Romero to proclaim justice, we implore his intercession for righteousness. Grant us zeal to defend the oppressed, as he spoke with penitent charity, that we may seek Thy will in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

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