Mar 21, 2025

Saints of Faith, Hope, and Evangelization

St. Martin de Porres – Prayer for Humility and Service
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, November 3
O God, who led Saint Martin de Porres by the path of humility to heavenly glory, grant that we may follow his example of service and so merit to be exalted with him in Thy kingdom. Through his intercession, instill in us a spirit of charity, that we may serve Thee in the lowly with penitent hearts, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.

St. Joseph Cupertino – Prayer for Students and Exam Takers
O God, who raised Saint Joseph Cupertino to ecstatic heights of prayer, we beseech Thee, through his intercession, to grant students and exam takers clarity of mind. As he found wisdom in humble trust, may they seek Thy aid with penance, overcoming trials with faith. Guide their studies to honor Thee, that their learning may reflect Thy truth, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Catherine of Genoa – Prayer for Penance
O God, who inflamed Saint Catherine of Genoa with love for penance, grant us, through her intercession, contrite hearts to turn from sin. As she sought Thee through suffering and charity, may we embrace our crosses with humility, finding purification in Thy mercy. Let her example lead us to repent and serve Thee faithfully, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Rose of Viterbo – Prayer for the Poor
O Lord, who called Saint Rose of Viterbo to preach and serve the poor, we implore her intercession for those in need. Grant us charity to share our gifts, as she did with penitent zeal, that we may honor Thee in the least. Through her prayers, comfort the destitute and inspire us to give humbly, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Thomas Aquinas – Prayer for Theological Insight
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, January 28
O God, who made Saint Thomas Aquinas outstanding in his zeal for holiness and study of sacred doctrine, grant us, we pray, through his intercession, insight to understand what he taught. As he sought Thee with humble mind, may we grasp Thy mysteries with faith, offering our intellect to Thy service, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Albert the Great – Prayer for Scientists
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, November 15
O God, who made Saint Albert the Great a master of wisdom and science, we beseech Thee, through his intercession, to guide scientists in their search for truth. As he explored Thy creation with humility, may they honor Thee in discovery, seeking knowledge with penitent hearts, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns forever. Amen.

St. Hildegard of Bingen – Prayer for Creativity and Vision
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, September 17 (modern addition)
O God, who adorned Saint Hildegard of Bingen with heavenly visions, grant us, through her intercession, creativity to reflect Thy beauty. As she sang Thy praise with humble heart, may we offer our talents with penance, seeing Thee in all we make. Let her insight inspire us to glorify Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Bonaventure – Prayer for Wisdom
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, July 15
O God, who gave Saint Bonaventure singular grace to enlighten Thy Church with wisdom, grant us, through his intercession, the understanding we seek. As he pursued Thee with penitent love, may we grow wise in Thy ways, offering our minds to Thy truth, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. John of Avila – Prayer for Preachers
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, May 10
O God, who made Saint John of Avila a shining example for preachers, grant, we pray, through his intercession, that they may proclaim Thy word with zeal. As he taught with humble charity, may their voices stir souls to Thee, strengthened by penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Julian of Norwich – Prayer for Trust in Divine Providence
O Lord, who revealed Thy loving providence to Saint Julian of Norwich, we seek her intercession to trust Thee fully. As she rested in Thy goodness with humble faith, grant us peace to accept Thy will, offering our fears with penance. May her assurance guide us to Thy care, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives forever. Amen.

St. Clare of Assisi – Prayer for Simplicity
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, August 11
O God, who led Saint Clare of Assisi to the heights of poverty and simplicity, grant us, through her intercession, to follow Thy Son in humble love. As she lived with penitent joy, may we detach from worldly cares, seeking Thee alone, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Agnes of Rome – Prayer for Purity
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, January 21
Almighty and eternal God, who chose Saint Agnes as a pure offering, we beseech Thee, through her intercession, to grant us chastity of heart. As she died with humble faith, may we guard our souls with penance, honoring Thee in body and spirit, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives forever. Amen.

St. Cecilia – Prayer for Musicians
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, November 22
O God, who gladdened Saint Cecilia with heavenly harmony, grant us, through her intercession, to praise Thee with song. As she offered her life with penitent love, may musicians lift their art to Thee in humility, glorifying Thy name, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Lucy – Prayer for Eye Disorders
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, December 13
O God, who adorned Saint Lucy with radiant virginity, we implore her intercession to heal our eyes. As she shone with humble faith, grant us light to see Thy truth, offering our needs with penance. May her clarity guide us to Thy face, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives forever. Amen.

St. Agatha – Prayer for Courage in Trials
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, February 5
O God, who numbered Saint Agatha among Thy holy virgins, grant us, through her intercession, courage to endure trials. As she faced torment with penitent love, may we bear our crosses with humility, trusting Thy strength, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Apollonia – Prayer for Dental Health
O Lord, who upheld Saint Apollonia in her suffering, we seek her intercession for dental health. As she endured with humble faith, grant us relief from pain, offering our trials with penance. May her steadfastness inspire us to trust Thy mercy, healing us for Thy glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives forever. Amen.

St. Perpetua and St. Felicity – Prayer for Courageous Mothers
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, March 7
O God, who strengthened Saints Perpetua and Felicity to face death, we beseech their intercession for mothers. Grant them courage to nurture with faith, as they bore witness with penitent love. May their valor guide them to offer all to Thee in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Ignatius of Antioch – Prayer for Strength in Persecution
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, October 17
O God, who adorned Saint Ignatius of Antioch with steadfast faith, grant us, through his intercession, strength in persecution. As he longed for Thee with penitent zeal, may we endure trials with humility, trusting Thy grace, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns forever. Amen.

St. Polycarp – Prayer for Perseverance
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, February 23
O God, who gave Saint Polycarp constancy unto death, we implore his intercession to persevere in faith. As he praised Thee with humble heart, grant us endurance with penance, that we may finish our course, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Justin Martyr – Prayer for Defenders of Faith
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, June 1
O God, who taught Saint Justin Martyr the wisdom of Thy truth, grant us, through his intercession, zeal to defend our faith. As he bore witness with penitent love, may we uphold Thy doctrine with humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Irenaeus – Prayer for Unity in Doctrine
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, June 28
O God, who called Saint Irenaeus to preserve apostolic teaching, grant us, through his intercession, unity in Thy truth. As he fought error with humble charity, may we hold fast to Thy doctrine with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Cyprian of Carthage – Prayer for Church Leaders
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, September 16
O God, who gave Saint Cyprian wisdom to lead Thy Church, we seek his intercession for our shepherds. Grant them strength to guide with charity, as he did with penitent faith, that we may follow Thee in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Ambrose – Prayer for Pastoral Wisdom
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, December 7
O God, who made Saint Ambrose a teacher of Thy flock, grant us, through his intercession, pastoral wisdom for our leaders. As he served with humble zeal, may they lead us to Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Jerome – Prayer for Scripture Understanding
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, September 30
O God, who gave Saint Jerome a love for Sacred Scripture, grant us, through his intercession, to understand Thy word. As he studied with penitent heart, may we seek Thee in Thy pages with humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Augustine of Hippo – Confessions Prayer (Adapted)
Source: Inspired by Confessions, Book I, with traditional phrasing
O God, who created us for Thyself, we seek Saint Augustine’s intercession to find Thee. As he confessed, β€œOur hearts are restless till they rest in Thee,” grant us penance to turn from sin, and humility to seek Thy face, that we may know Thy peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who reigns forever. Amen.

St. Monica – Prayer for Wayward Children
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, August 27
O God, who heard Saint Monica’s prayers for her son, we implore her intercession for wayward children. Grant us patience to plead with charity, as she did with penitent tears, that they may return to Thee in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Helena – Prayer for True Cross Devotion
O Lord, who led Saint Helena to find Thy holy cross, we seek her intercession to honor Thy passion. As she sought with humble faith, grant us devotion to Thy sacrifice with penance, that we may trust Thy redemption, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns forever. Amen.

St. Constantine the Great – Prayer for Christian Leadership
O God, who guided Saint Constantine to embrace Thy faith, we beseech his intercession for Christian leaders. Grant them justice to rule with charity, as he did with penitent heart, that they may lead in Thy light with humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Lawrence of Rome – Prayer for Generosity
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, August 10
O God, who gave Saint Lawrence courage to serve Thy poor, grant us, through his intercession, a generous spirit. As he offered all with humble joy, may we share our gifts with penance, honoring Thee in the needy, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever. Amen.

St. Vincent of Saragossa – Prayer for Courageous Witnesses
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, January 22
O God, who strengthened Saint Vincent of Saragossa to bear witness, we seek his intercession for courage. Grant us fortitude to testify with faith, as he did with penitent love, that we may glorify Thee in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Sebastian – Prayer for Martyrs
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, January 20
O God, who gave Saint Sebastian strength to endure martyrdom, we implore his intercession for Thy witnesses. Grant them valor to die for Thee, as he did with humble heart, that their sacrifice may shine with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives forever. Amen.

St. Pantaleon – Prayer for Medical Professionals
O Lord, who called Saint Pantaleon to heal in Thy name, we seek his intercession for medical workers. Grant them skill to mend with charity, as he did with penitent faith, that they may serve Thee in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Cosmas and Damian – Prayer for Healing
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, September 26
O God, who glorified Saints Cosmas and Damian with healing grace, we beseech their intercession for the sick. Grant us Thy cure through their prayers, as they served with humble love, that we may trust Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives forever. Amen.

St. Blaise – Prayer for Throat Illnesses
O God, who worked through Saint Blaise to heal throats, we seek his intercession for relief. As he blessed with humble faith, grant us health through his prayers, offering our needs with penance, that we may praise Thee, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Nicholas of Tolentino – Prayer for Souls in Purgatory
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, September 10
O God, who called Saint Nicholas of Tolentino to pray for the suffering souls, grant us, through his intercession, to aid those in purgatory. As he pleaded with penitent love, may we offer charity for their rest, trusting Thy mercy, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives forever. Amen.

St. Frances Cabrini – Prayer for Immigrants
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, November 13
O God, who through Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini provided for immigrants, we implore her intercession for the displaced. Grant them refuge through her prayers, as she served with humble charity, that we may welcome them with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns eternally. Amen.

St. John Vianney – Prayer for Priests
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, August 4
O God, who made Saint John Vianney a holy priest, grant us, through his intercession, shepherds after Thy heart. As he served with penitent zeal, may they lead us with charity and humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns forever. Amen.

St. ThΓ©rΓ¨se of Lisieux – Prayer for Missionaries
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, October 1
O God, who opened Thy kingdom to Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, grant us, through her intercession, zeal for missionaries. As she prayed with humble love, may they spread Thy Gospel with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Francis Xavier – Prayer for World Missions
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, December 3
O God, who through Saint Francis Xavier brought nations to Thy light, grant us, through his intercession, fervor for missions. As he preached with penitent charity, may we bear Thy word afar in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Edmund the Martyr – Prayer for Christian Kings
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, November 20
O God, who crowned Saint Edmund the Martyr with royal faith, we seek his intercession for Christian kings. Grant them justice to rule with charity, as he died with humble love, that they may serve Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Eustachius – Prayer for Hunters
O Lord, who called Saint Eustachius through Thy cross in the wild, we seek his intercession for hunters. Grant them respect for Thy creation with penance, as he turned with humble faith, that they may honor Thee, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever. Amen.

St. Hubert – Prayer for Animals
O God, who turned Saint Hubert to guard Thy creatures, we implore his intercession for animals. Grant us care to tend them with charity, as he sought Thee with penitent heart, that we may honor Thy works in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Roch – Prayer for Plague Victims
O Lord, who preserved Saint Roch to aid the plagued, we seek his intercession for victims. Grant them healing through his prayers, as he served with humble charity, that we may trust Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Anthony of Padua – Prayer for Lost Items
Source: Traditional prayer, adapted from Raccolta
O holy Saint Anthony, gentlest of saints, we seek thy intercession to find what is lost. As thou didst preach with humble love, grant us aid with penance, that we may recover our needs and praise Thee, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Gregory the Great – Prayer for Liturgical Leaders
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, September 3
O God, who guided Saint Gregory the Great to lead Thy worship, grant us, through his intercession, wisdom for liturgical heads. As he served with penitent charity, may they lift our praise in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns forever. Amen.

St. Catherine of Siena – Prayer for Peace
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, April 29
O God, who set Saint Catherine of Siena afire for Thy Church, grant us, through her intercession, the peace she sought. As she prayed with humble zeal, may we seek harmony with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Rose of Lima – Prayer for Humility and Penance
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, August 23
O God, who filled Saint Rose of Lima with love for penance, grant us, through her intercession, humility to follow Thee. As she lived simply with charitable heart, may we bear our trials with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Peter Claver – Prayer for Social Justice
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, September 9
O God, who made Saint Peter Claver a servant of the oppressed, grant us, through his intercession, zeal for justice. As he labored with humble charity, may we seek equity with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. Isidore of Seville – Prayer for Technological Advances
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, April 4
O God, who gave Saint Isidore of Seville wisdom to enlighten, we seek his intercession for technology. Grant us skill to advance Thy gifts, as he taught with humble heart, that we may serve Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns forever. Amen.

St. Anselm of Canterbury – Prayer for Theological Inquiry
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, April 21
O God, who granted Saint Anselm insight into Thy truth, we beseech his intercession for theological quest. Grant us understanding to seek Thee, as he did with penitent faith, that we may know Thee in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

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