Mar 21, 2025

Saints of Education, Healing, and Social Justice

St. Clare of Montefalco – Prayer for Perseverance
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, August 17
O God, who adorned Saint Clare of Montefalco with steadfast love, we seek her intercession for perseverance. Grant us strength to endure trials, as she bore Thy cross in her heart with humble faith, that we may serve Thee with penance to the end. May her constancy guide us, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.

St. Anthony Mary Claret – Prayer for Evangelization
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, October 24
O God, who strengthened Saint Anthony Mary Claret to preach Thy Gospel, we beseech his prayers for evangelization. Grant us zeal to spread Thy word, as he labored with penitent charity, that we may bring souls to Thee in humility. May his fervor inspire us, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Thee eternally. Amen.

St. John Neumann – Prayer for Catholic Education
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, January 5
O God, who called Saint John Neumann to form Thy people in faith, we seek his intercession for Catholic education. Grant teachers wisdom to guide with charity, as he taught with humble heart, that students may grow in Thy truth with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Prayer for Educators
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, January 4
O God, who inspired Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton to teach Thy little ones, we implore her prayers for educators. Grant them grace to shape souls, as she served with penitent love, that they may lead youth to Thee in humility. May her care guide them, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Margaret of Scotland – Prayer for Families
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, November 16
O God, who blessed Saint Margaret of Scotland with a holy family, we seek her intercession for our homes. Grant us charity to nurture our kin, as she ruled with humble faith, that we may sanctify our lives with penance. May her devotion teach us, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini – Prayer for Migrants
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, November 13
O God, who through Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini aided migrants, we beseech her prayers for the displaced. Grant them hope in exile, as she served with penitent charity, that we may welcome them in humility. May her heart guide us, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Damien of Molokai – Prayer for Outcasts
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, May 10
O God, who sent Saint Damien of Molokai to the forsaken, we seek his intercession for outcasts. Grant us love to embrace the shunned, as he bore their pain with humble heart, that we may serve Thee in them with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Marianne Cope – Prayer for Caregivers
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, January 23
O God, who called Saint Marianne Cope to tend the afflicted, we implore her prayers for caregivers. Grant them strength to heal with charity, as she served with penitent love, that they may comfort in humility. May her care inspire us, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. AndrΓ© Bessette – Prayer for Healing
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, January 6 (local use, adapted)
O God, who worked wonders through Saint AndrΓ© Bessette, we seek his intercession for healing. Grant the sick Thy mercy through his prayers, as he trusted with humble faith, that we may offer our pain with penance. May his simplicity guide us, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Catherine of Bologna – Prayer for Artists
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, March 9
O God, who graced Saint Catherine of Bologna with heavenly art, we beseech her prayers for artists. Grant them skill to reflect Thy beauty, as she painted with penitent love, that their works may praise Thee in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Vincent Ferrer – Prayer for Preachers
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, April 5
O God, who raised Saint Vincent Ferrer to proclaim Thy word, we seek his intercession for preachers. Grant them power to stir souls, as he preached with humble zeal, that they may call us to Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. John of the Cross – Prayer for Spiritual Guidance
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, December 14
O God, who led Saint John of the Cross through the dark night, we implore his prayers for guidance. Grant us light to seek Thy will, as he climbed with penitent faith, that we may find Thee in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Teresa of the Andes – Prayer for Young People
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, July 13
O God, who called Saint Teresa of the Andes to holiness in youth, we seek her intercession for young people. Grant them fervor to love Thee, as she lived with humble heart, that they may grow with penance in Thy grace, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Margaret Clitherow – Prayer for Religious Liberty
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, October 25 (English Martyrs, adapted)
O God, who crowned Saint Margaret Clitherow for Thy faith, we beseech her prayers for religious liberty. Grant us courage to worship freely, as she died with penitent love, that we may stand in humility for Thee, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Oliver Plunkett – Prayer for Courage in Persecution
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, July 1
O God, who glorified Saint Oliver Plunkett in persecution, we seek his intercession for courage. Grant us strength to face trials, as he bore witness with humble faith, that we may endure with penance for Thy name, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Thomas More – Prayer for Integrity
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, June 22
O God, who gave Saint Thomas More grace to die for truth, we implore his prayers for integrity. Grant us steadfastness to live justly, as he stood with penitent heart, that we may honor Thee in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Edmund Campion – Prayer for Missionary Zeal
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, December 1
O God, who strengthened Saint Edmund Campion to preach Thy word, we seek his intercession for missionary zeal. Grant us fire to spread Thy Gospel, as he labored with humble love, that we may serve Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Philip Howard – Prayer for Conversion
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, October 19 (English Martyrs, adapted)
O God, who turned Saint Philip Howard to Thy truth, we beseech his prayers for conversion. Grant us grace to seek Thy face, as he found Thee with penitent faith, that hearts may turn in humility to Thee, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Henry – Prayer for Holy Leadership
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, July 13
O God, who raised Saint Henry to rule in Thy name, we seek his intercession for holy leadership. Grant leaders wisdom to guide with charity, as he reigned with humble heart, that they may serve Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Stephen of Hungary – Prayer for Evangelization
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, August 16
O God, who through Saint Stephen of Hungary spread Thy faith, we implore his prayers for evangelization. Grant us zeal to proclaim Thee, as he built Thy Church with humble love, that nations may know Thee with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Louis IX of France – Prayer for Justice
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, August 25
O God, who adorned Saint Louis IX with a just heart, we seek his intercession for justice. Grant us righteousness to serve Thy will, as he ruled with penitent charity, that we may uphold Thy law in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. George Preca – Prayer for Catechists
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, June 9
O God, who inspired Saint George Preca to teach Thy word, we beseech his prayers for catechists. Grant them clarity to form souls, as he taught with humble faith, that they may lead others with penance to Thee, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Oscar Romero – Prayer for Peace and Justice
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, March 24 (local use, adapted)
O God, who called Saint Oscar Romero to cry for peace and justice, we seek his intercession for righteousness. Grant us courage to heal strife, as he spoke with penitent love, that we may seek Thy kingdom in humility, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

St. Josephine Bakhita – Prayer for Freedom from Oppression
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, February 8
O God, who freed Saint Josephine Bakhita from slavery, we implore her prayers for the oppressed. Grant them liberty through Thy mercy, as she trusted with humble heart, that we may break chains with penance, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns eternally. Amen.

St. Benedict the Moor – Prayer for Reconciliation
Source: Collect from Roman Missal, April 4
O God, who blessed Saint Benedict the Moor with a reconciling spirit, we seek his intercession for unity. Grant us grace to heal division, as he lived with penitent charity, that we may join in humility before Thee, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who reigns with Thee forever. Amen.

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