Jul 6, 2024

Novena to St. Alphonsa

Day 1 - July 19

O Lord Jesus, you have said, "Ask, and you shall receive, seek, and you shall find, knock, and it shall be opened to you." Through the intercession of St. Alphonsa, I come to you seeking your grace and mercy. Grant me the favor I ask in this novena. (Here, mention your intentions)

St. Alphonsa, you always sought the will of God in your life. Intercede for me, that I too may seek and accept God's will in all things.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.


Day 2 - July 20

O Loving Jesus, who filled the heart of St. Alphonsa with a profound love for the Cross, help me to embrace my own crosses with love and patience. Through her intercession, grant me the grace to endure all my sufferings with a cheerful heart. (Here, mention your intentions)

St. Alphonsa, you suffered so much in your life and yet remained faithful to God. Help me to remain faithful in my trials and to trust in God's plan for me.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.


Day 3 - July 21

O Lord Jesus, who gave St. Alphonsa a heart full of compassion for the suffering and the needy, grant me a heart like hers. Help me to be a source of comfort and support to those around me. Through her intercession, grant me the grace to show your love to everyone I meet. (Here, mention your intentions)

St. Alphonsa, you always showed kindness and compassion to others. Teach me to love and serve my neighbors as you did.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.


Day 4 - July 22

O Jesus, you blessed St. Alphonsa with a deep love for the Eucharist. Through her intercession, help me to grow in my love for the Holy Eucharist. Grant me the grace to receive you worthily and to adore you with a pure heart. (Here, mention your intentions)

St. Alphonsa, you found strength and comfort in the Holy Eucharist. Help me to seek Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to find peace in His presence.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.


Day 5 - July 23

O Jesus, who filled St. Alphonsa with a spirit of humility and obedience, grant me the grace to be humble and obedient in all things. Through her intercession, help me to accept God's will with a joyful heart. (Here, mention your intentions)

St. Alphonsa, you always obeyed God's will with humility and love. Teach me to surrender my will to God and to trust in His divine plan.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.


Day 6 - July 24

O Loving Jesus, you gave St. Alphonsa the strength to endure great suffering for love of you. Grant me the grace to accept my own sufferings with patience and love. Through her intercession, help me to unite my sufferings with yours for the salvation of souls. (Here, mention your intentions)

St. Alphonsa, you bore your sufferings with courage and love. Help me to bear my crosses with faith and to offer my pains for the glory of God.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.


Day 7 - July 25

O Jesus, who filled St. Alphonsa with a spirit of prayer and contemplation, grant me the grace to spend time in prayer each day. Through her intercession, help me to grow in my relationship with you and to seek your presence in all things. (Here, mention your intentions)

St. Alphonsa, you found joy and peace in prayer. Teach me to pray with a sincere heart and to seek God's guidance in all aspects of my life.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.


Day 8 - July 26

O Jesus, you gave St. Alphonsa a heart full of love for you and for all people. Through her intercession, fill my heart with love for you and for my neighbors. Grant me the grace to forgive those who have hurt me and to seek reconciliation. (Here, mention your intentions)

St. Alphonsa, you loved God and others with a pure heart. Help me to follow your example of love and forgiveness.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.


Day 9 - July 27

O Jesus, who glorified St. Alphonsa for her life of holiness and virtue, grant me the grace to follow her example. Through her intercession, help me to grow in holiness and to seek your will in all things. (Here, mention your intentions)

St. Alphonsa, you are a shining example of faith and love. Pray for me, that I may become a faithful follower of Christ and attain the eternal happiness of heaven.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.

May the prayers and intercession of St. Alphonsa bring us closer to God and grant us the blessings we seek through this novena. Amen.


1. Blessed Virgin Mary! My Mother, make my heart a worthy dwelling place for Your Holy Son. Decorate me with your holy heart. 
2. Lord, sanctify me and wash me clean even from every stain of sin and clad my heart with the bridal costume of virtue. 
3. Lord, do with me as I am Your own. 
4. My Lord, give me the grace to suffer everything in silence. 
5. Jesus, Sun of Justice, clarify my thoughts and illumine my mind with your sacred radiant rays, enlighten my intellect, purify my heart and consume me in the fire of Your love, so that it may always be united with You. 
6. Lord, caress me with thy blood stained hands. Unite my heart with your Loving Sacred Heart. 
7. Most sweet Lord Jesus, make bitter for me all worldly consolations. 
8. My sweet Beloved Lord, I am entirely Yours. Grant me the grace to live the most humble life in a poor convent offering my heart totally for you. 9. Conjoin my head with Thy head which was wounded by the crown of thorns.

Oh Lord Jesus, hide me in the Sacred wound of Your Heart. Free me from my evil desire to be loved and esteemed. Save me from the mean pursuit of honour and fame. Make me humble until I become very insignificant and a small spark in the furnace of the love of Your Divine Heart. Give me the grace to forget the world and everything in it, including myself. My Jesus, who is ineffable sweetness, transform all my worldly consolations into bitterness. Oh Jesus! Sun of Justice, with the divine rays of Thy Sacred fire of love, illumine my mind, enlighten my intellect, purify my heart, enkindle my love towards Thee, consume me in the fire of Your love, and thus unite me with You. Amen.
Oh! St. Alphonsa, you have been graciously chosen from our midst to be united with Jesus Christ, our Saviour, in the mystery of His passion, death and resurrection. You have grown to the heights of holiness and have been crowned with heavenly glory. Help us in our trials and tribulations. Oh, daughter of sufferings, obtain for us the grace to lead a holy life, following your example- in total submission to the Will of God. Be with us, transforming all our sorrows into a holy sacrifice in union with Christ Crucified, in reparation for our sins, for the sanctification and the salvation of the whole world. Amen.
Let us pray. Merciful and benevolent god, we offer ourselves completely to You. We give you thanks for all the blessings You shower upon us. Forgive us our sins and offences. Lord, You gave us St. Alphonsa as our model and mediator. We seek her intercession now. Protect us from all evils, spiritual and material. Fill us with Your blessings. We make this prayer in Your name, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for the intercession of Saint Alphonsa

O, Holy Spirit, descend upon us. Pour out your gifts upon us and strengthen us in faith. Guide us with the hope for the kingdom of heaven. Enkindle our hearts with the fire of divine love. Just as you led St. Alphonsa along the path of sanctity, lead us also on the path of righteousness. Grant us the grace to grow in sanctity and wisdom, by serving you faithfully in humility and gentleness.
Celebrant : With joy and hope in our hearts, let us pray: “Lord, hear our prayer”.
All : Lord, hear our prayer.
Celebrant : Lord, you raised St. Alphonsa to the host of the Blessed, fill us with the spirit of prayer and sacrifice.
All : Lord, hear our prayer.
Celebrant : Lord, grant us the grace to seek the hand of god in all our sufferings and sorrows, like St. Alphonsa who bore witness to you through her sufferings and self-sacrifice.
All : Lord, hear our prayer.
Celebrant : Lord Jesus, you offered yourself as a victim on the cross for us sinners. St. Alphonsa imitated you by offering herself as a victim on your alter. Grant us the strength and grace to offer ourselves to you every moment, as a burnt offering, like this holy sister.
All : Lord, hear our prayer.
Celebrant : Lord Jesus, at the moment of your death agony, your prayer to the father saying: “Not my will, but they will be done”. St. Alphonsa also imitated you praying in the same fashion. Help us to see you in our superiors and do your will in all circumstances.
All : Lord, hear our prayer.
Let us pray
Merciful and benevolent God, we offer ourselves completely to you. We give you thanks for all the blessings you shower upon us. Forgive us our sins and offences. Lord, you gave us St. Alphonsa as our model and mediator. We seek her intercession now. Protect us from all evils, spiritual and material. Fill us with your blessings. We make this prayer in your name, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

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