Jul 6, 2024

Novena to St. Alphonsus Liguori

Day 1 - July 23

O glorious St. Alphonsus, loving Father of the poor and afflicted, you dedicated your life to preaching the Gospel and caring for those in need. Obtain for me the grace to follow your example of selfless love and to seek the will of God in all things. I humbly ask for your intercession in my present need. (Here, mention your intentions)

St. Alphonsus, obtain for me a heart full of compassion for the suffering and the needy. Teach me to serve others with humility and love, putting their needs before my own, and finding joy in the service of God and neighbour.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.


Day 2 - July 24

O wise St. Alphonsus, you were filled with a deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom you called your Mother and Advocate. Teach me to honor and love her as you did, and to trust in her powerful intercession. May her maternal care and guidance help me to grow in holiness and to follow her example of faith and obedience. (Here, mention your intentions)

St. Alphonsus, through your powerful intercession, may I develop a profound devotion to Our Lady and seek her guidance in all my needs. Help me to imitate her virtues and to entrust my life to her loving care.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.


Day 3 - July 25

O holy St. Alphonsus, you were a tireless preacher of the Word of God and a defender of the truth. Help me to be courageous in proclaiming the Gospel and to stand firm in my faith amidst the challenges of life. Grant me the wisdom to discern the truth and the courage to live by it, no matter the cost. (Here, mention your intentions)

St. Alphonsus, inspire me to be a faithful witness of Christ's love and truth to others. Strengthen my resolve to live according to the teachings of the Church and to be a beacon of light in a world often overshadowed by darkness.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.


Day 4 - July 26

O zealous St. Alphonsus, you dedicated your life to the salvation of souls, tirelessly working to bring people to Christ. Help me to seek the salvation of my own soul and the souls of others. May your example of fervent prayer and penance inspire me to grow in my relationship with God and to seek His grace in my daily life. (Here, mention your intentions)

St. Alphonsus, intercede for me that I may develop a deep and abiding love for prayer and the sacraments. Help me to seek God's presence in my daily life and to live in a manner that is pleasing to Him.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.


Day 5 - July 27

O humble St. Alphonsus, you had a profound understanding of the mercy and love of God. Teach me to trust in God's infinite mercy and to seek His forgiveness with a contrite heart. Grant me the grace to forgive others as I have been forgiven, and to live a life of charity and compassion. (Here, mention your intentions)

St. Alphonsus, may your example of humility and trust in God's mercy guide me in my own spiritual journey. Help me to live a life of forgiveness and reconciliation, always seeking to reflect the love and mercy of Christ.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.


Day 6 - July 28

O devoted St. Alphonsus, you were a model of obedience to God's will, always seeking to do what was pleasing to Him. Help me to surrender my own will to God and to trust in His divine plan for my life. Grant me the grace to accept His will with a joyful and willing heart, even when it is difficult. (Here, mention your intentions)

St. Alphonsus, teach me to embrace God's will in all things and to seek His greater glory. Inspire me to live a life of obedience and humility, always striving to follow the path that God has set before me.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.


Day 7 - July 29

O loving St. Alphonsus, you had a deep devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and found great joy and strength in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Help me to grow in my love for the Holy Eucharist and to receive Jesus with a pure and humble heart. Grant me the grace to spend time in adoration and to seek His presence in my life, drawing ever closer to Him. (Here, mention your intentions)

St. Alphonsus, inspire me to seek Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to find strength and comfort in His presence. Help me to grow in my love for the Eucharist and to make it the center of my spiritual life.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.


Day 8 - July 30

O compassionate St. Alphonsus, you were a source of comfort and support to those in need, always showing Christ's love through your actions. Help me to be a source of comfort and support to those around me, especially those who are suffering or in need. Grant me the grace to show Christ's love to others through my words and actions, and to be a beacon of hope and compassion in the world. (Here, mention your intentions)

St. Alphonsus, may your example of compassion and love inspire me to serve others with a generous heart. Help me to be a reflection of Christ's love to all whom I encounter, always seeking to bring His light to those in darkness.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.


Day 9 - July 31

O faithful St. Alphonsus, you are now enjoying the reward of your labors in heaven, beholding the face of God and basking in His eternal glory. Intercede for me that I may persevere in faith and attain the eternal joy of heaven. Grant me the grace to remain faithful to Christ and to seek His will in all things, that I may one day rejoice with you in the presence of God. (Here, mention your intentions)

St. Alphonsus, pray for me that I may remain steadfast in my love for Christ and one day rejoice with you in the eternal happiness of heaven. May your example of faith and perseverance inspire me to seek holiness in my own life, always striving to do God's will and to live in His grace.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.

May the prayers and intercession of St. Alphonsus Liguori bring us closer to God and grant us the blessings we seek through this novena. Amen.


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