May 29, 2024

Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Day 1 - May 29

What Do You Desire?

Jesus addresses the same question to you at the beginning of this novena: ‘What do you want?' St. Augustine said that all our desires are really a longing for God in disguise; where there is real desire, there is prayer. So, be at peace in your desire, you are already praying!

Today's Prayer:
Lord, I come to you at the start of this novena with a muddle of desires. Give me courage, to listen to what you want to say to me about these desires and give me the strength to accept your loving desires for me and for my loved ones. Amen.

Lord Jesus, the needs of your people open your heart in love for each of us. You care for us when we are lost, sympathize with us in loneliness, and comfort us in mourning; you are closest to us where we are weakest. You love us most when we love ourselves least; you forgive us most when we forgive ourselves least; and you call us to spread your love in whatever way we can.

Lord Jesus, your heart is moved with compassion when we are suffering, when we need your help, and when we pray for each other. I ask you to listen to my prayer during this Novena, and grant what I ask.

(State your intentions here…)

If what I ask is not for my own good and the good of others, grant me what is best, that I may build up your kingdom of love in our world. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be...

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.


Day 2 - May 30

What Does God Desire?

St. Augustine said, ‘For yourself you have made us, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you'. Our Lord encourages us to listen to what the scriptures say about him and then to go and preach the Good News that He is Risen.

Today's Prayer:
Lord, I come to you full of needs. But my deepest need is to become more convinced of your love for me. Help me to believe that you are with me today, tomorrow, and always. Amen.

Lord Jesus, the needs of your people open your heart in love for each of us. You care for us when we are lost, sympathize with us in loneliness, and comfort us in mourning; you are closest to us where we are weakest. You love us most when we love ourselves least; you forgive us most when we forgive ourselves least; and you call us to spread your love in whatever way we can.

Lord Jesus, your heart is moved with compassion when we are suffering, when we need your help, and when we pray for each other. I ask you to listen to my prayer during this Novena, and grant what I ask.

(State your intentions here…)

If what I ask is not for my own good and the good of others, grant me what is best, that I may build up your kingdom of love in our world. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be...

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you!


Day 3 - May 31

When I Find Prayer Difficult

Thérèse of Lisieux (1873-97) once said that love was her vocation in life. Never was this vocation tested more than in the last nine months of her life as she lay dying with tuberculosis. She wrote a note to her sister Céline:

‘Here is great love, to love Jesus without feeling the sweetness of his love – that is love pushed to the point of heroism.'

Today's Prayer:
Jesus, I believe. Help my unbelief. Jesus, you are the real bedrock of my hope. Help me always to rely on you, especially in times of doubt and trouble. Amen.

Lord Jesus, the needs of your people open your heart in love for each of us. You care for us when we are lost, sympathize with us in loneliness, and comfort us in mourning; you are closest to us where we are weakest. You love us most when we love ourselves least; you forgive us most when we forgive ourselves least; and you call us to spread your love in whatever way we can.

Lord Jesus, your heart is moved with compassion when we are suffering, when we need your help, and when we pray for each other. I ask you to listen to my prayer during this Novena, and grant what I ask.

(State your intentions here…)

If what I ask is not for my own good and the good of others, grant me what is best, that I may build up your kingdom of love in our world. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be...

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you!


Day 4 - June 1

How Do We Look at Each Other?

A Dominican theologian once wrote, ‘A person is enlightened not when they get an idea but when someone looks at them.' How we look at another has tremendous consequences for self-esteem. The Sacred Heart looks at each one of us with deep love, understanding, and compassion. We are called to look at others in the same way.

Today's Prayer:
Jesus, you looked at the rich young man with love, and yet he could not respond to your call. Help our prayer to become our looking at you looking at us and smiling with love so that we will not run from the love that you offer. Amen.

Lord Jesus, the needs of your people open your heart in love for each of us. You care for us when we are lost, sympathize with us in loneliness, and comfort us in mourning; you are closest to us where we are weakest. You love us most when we love ourselves least; you forgive us most when we forgive ourselves least; and you call us to spread your love in whatever way we can.

Lord Jesus, your heart is moved with compassion when we are suffering, when we need your help, and when we pray for each other. I ask you to listen to my prayer during this Novena, and grant what I ask.

(State your intentions here…)

If what I ask is not for my own good and the good of others, grant me what is best, that I may build up your kingdom of love in our world. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be...

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you!


Day 5 - June 2

Has No One Condemned You?

I read something recently which went like this: ‘You do not have to be good before God will love you; you do not have to repent before you will be absolved by God'. It is all the other way around. If you are good, it is because God's love has already made you so; if you want to be forgiven, that is because God is forgiving you.'

Today's Prayer:
Jesus, as I reflect upon your Sacred Heart, help me to have a deep felt knowledge that you have already forgiven and long to forgive all my sins. Your Sacred Heart is love made visible. Amen.

Lord Jesus, the needs of your people open your heart in love for each of us. You care for us when we are lost, sympathize with us in loneliness, and comfort us in mourning; you are closest to us where we are weakest. You love us most when we love ourselves least; you forgive us most when we forgive ourselves least; and you call us to spread your love in whatever way we can.

Lord Jesus, your heart is moved with compassion when we are suffering, when we need your help, and when we pray for each other. I ask you to listen to my prayer during this Novena, and grant what I ask.

(State your intentions here…)

If what I ask is not for my own good and the good of others, grant me what is best, that I may build up your kingdom of love in our world. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be...

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you!


Day 6 - June 3 

Honesty in Prayer

St. Ignatius of Loyola said that we should always speak to Jesus in prayer just as one close friend would speak to another. Don't be afraid to express your real feelings to Jesus – anger, hurt, joy, sorrow, etc. When you've made your complaint or expressed your joy, don't forget one thing - Listen for God's response! It may come in surprising ways.

Today's Prayer:
Jesus, I have to be honest and tell you that there have been times when I've been angry with you and I feel that you've let me down. Help me to trust that you really do have a loving plan for me and for everyone, a plan that most times I find hard to fathom. Amen.

Lord Jesus, the needs of your people open your heart in love for each of us. You care for us when we are lost, sympathize with us in loneliness, and comfort us in mourning; you are closest to us where we are weakest. You love us most when we love ourselves least; you forgive us most when we forgive ourselves least; and you call us to spread your love in whatever way we can.

Lord Jesus, your heart is moved with compassion when we are suffering, when we need your help, and when we pray for each other. I ask you to listen to my prayer during this Novena, and grant what I ask.

(State your intentions here...)

If what I ask is not for my own good and the good of others, grant me what is best, that I may build up your kingdom of love in our world. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be...

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you!


Day 7 - June 4

Am I a Good Company for Jesus?

You know the old saying, ‘Show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are'? Well, Jesus had the strangest set of friends - Levi (a hated tax-collector), Simon the Zealot (a revolutionary), women in prostitution, and other ‘public sinners’. Maybe I'm not such bad company for Jesus, after all!

Today's Prayer:
Jesus, you once said, ‘I've come not to call the virtuous but sinners to repentance.’ During your ministry, you sat and ate with sinners. This practice of yours gives me great hope that your love will bid me welcome too! Amen.

Lord Jesus, the needs of your people open your heart in love for each of us. You care for us when we are lost, sympathize with us in loneliness, and comfort us in mourning; you are closest to us where we are weakest. You love us most when we love ourselves least; you forgive us most when we forgive ourselves least; and you call us to spread your love in whatever way we can.

Lord Jesus, your heart is moved with compassion when we are suffering, when we need your help, and when we pray for each other. I ask you to listen to my prayer during this Novena, and grant what I ask.

(State your intentions here...)

If what I ask is not for my own good and the good of others, grant me what is best, that I may build up your kingdom of love in our world. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be...

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you!


Day 8 - June 5

Peace Be with You!

Peace; Look; Listen; Go Jesus greets the apostles with that soothing word, ‘Shalom' (Peace) – it means I wish you the fullness of well-being of mind and body and soul. He then invites them to look at his hands and side. He encourages them to listen to what the scriptures say about him and then to go and preach the Good News that He is Risen.

Today's Prayer:
Lord, you see my poverty and you love me better than I can love myself. Supply my wants according to your mercy. Help me to accept your will without seeking to understand disappointments. Help me to resign myself entirely and absolutely to you. Amen.

Lord Jesus, the needs of your people open your heart in love for each of us. You care for us when we are lost, sympathize with us in loneliness, and comfort us in mourning; you are closest to us where we are weakest. You love us most when we love ourselves least; you forgive us most when we forgive ourselves least; and you call us to spread your love in whatever way we can.

Lord Jesus, your heart is moved with compassion when we are suffering, when we need your help, and when we pray for each other. I ask you to listen to my prayer during this Novena, and grant what I ask.

(State your intentions here...)

If what I ask is not for my own good and the good of others, grant me what is best, that I may build up your kingdom of love in our world. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be...

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you!


Day 9 - June 6

Thank You, Jesus!

Did you know that in the Old Testament the word ‘Praise’ has only one object – God! In the Psalms, to praise is to live; not praising is the same as not living, not living the life which is God's gift, to be returned in praise. A Jewish Rabbi has written, ‘It is difficult to feel depressed when you remember fairly constantly that life is a gift. Faith teaches us to make a blessing over life. Making a blessing over life is the best way of turning life into a blessing.'

Today's Prayer:
I want to say ‘Thank You, Jesus’ for these nine days of prayer, of talking and listening to you more closely than usual. Thank you, especially for all the things in my life that I just take for granted every day, forgetting that they are pure gifts. Amen.

Lord Jesus, the needs of your people open your heart in love for each of us. You care for us when we are lost, sympathize with us in loneliness, and comfort us in mourning; you are closest to us where we are weakest. You love us most when we love ourselves least; you forgive us most when we forgive ourselves least; and you call us to spread your love in whatever way we can.

Lord Jesus, your heart is moved with compassion when we are suffering, when we need your help, and when we pray for each other. I ask you to listen to my prayer during this Novena, and grant what I ask.

(State your intentions here...)

If what I ask is not for my own good and the good of others, grant me what is best, that I may build up your kingdom of love in our world. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be...

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you!


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